
..... My Journey ..... - an Indonesian blog about everything -

Location: Beijing, Beijing, China

i'm a SiMpLe GirL... nOt PeRFeCt... EaSy GoinG... LiKe joKes... sMiLE... HaPpY.. SLeePinG !!! I eNjOy RaiNy DayS

Sep 22, 2008

From Gavin

We were lucky enough time to get permits for Tibet trip in this China Independence Day 1 Oct Day.
We will go to :
Macau on sept 23 – 26
Guang zhou on sept 26 – 27
Tibet on sept 28 – 3
Beijing on Oct 3 – 6
Shanghai,hang zhou , su zhou on Oct 6 – 8
Hong Kong oct 8 – 12
Macau oct 12 – 13
And this is my first multi trip after 1 year ago .

My personal doctor said.. (he is my 24 hours doctor hehehehe , free for consultation J in bad and good time ). Gavin said may be we can get Acute Mountain Sickness(AMS) is a common at high altitudes.Tibet altitude around 3000 m and some place more than 3000 m.
Symptoms tend to be worse at night and include headache, dizziness, lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea, breathlessness and irritability. Difficulty sleeping is another common symptom, and many travelers have trouble sleeping for the first few days after arrival at Lhasa.

gavin said The most important thing is that you should never be nervous or worried about your trip. Regard the trip to Tibet like a trip to any other cities. You should always be optimistic. Enjoy the trip …yeahhhhhhhhh........

He suggest to :
*drink enough mineral water more than 3L everyday
*eat fruits or snacks with high caloric content, like chocolate
* Do not eat too much for dinner. ( arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this I am not promise..hahahaha)
*avoid alcohol , soda etc
*After arrive in Tibet rest right after your arrival and do not do anything strenuous on the first day even brisk walking and running are not advised.
* Do not take showers or bathes too frequently especially on your first night in Tibet. This will help you avoid catching severe colds 1 day 1 times its should be enough…

love you G ,thanks for the advice

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Sep 21, 2008

titipan titipan teman kecilku

Teman teman kecilku yang aku ajarin mandarin itu tahu semua kalau aku mau pergi jalan jalan ke china.

Pasti nya akan ke tibet , kenapa tibet? Karena tibet itu sebuah obsesi , waktu sekolah 2 tahun di sana ga sempet ketibet jadi bener bener waktu skarang harus pergi !!!!!

Sebenernya ga pengen kasih tau mereka tapi kan ga bisa , jadwal mereka pasti kosong karena aku pergi cukup lama dari tanggal 23 sept sampai 13 oct

Titipan mereka

Kiki : kak mei bawain panda ya.... anaknya saja.... kan Cuma sebesar jari kita

G : kiki , sebelum kak mei keluar dari airport juga uda di tangkep kali... ahahaha

Gara garanya dia tuh seneng banget liat foto foto aku sama panda di sichuan , jadi setiap aku selesai ngajar sama kebetulan bawa laptop , kiki pasti request buka foto

Dian : kak mei bawain permen yang ada waktu musim dingin ya.. aku mau cobain rasanya

G : Bisa seh dian , tapi nanti di pesawat jadi mencair ...kan panas

Dian : gpp deh.. ntar aku masukin kulkas , biar beku lagi

Ini juga gara gara liat foto tang hu lu, jadi kaya bentuknya panjang kaya sate , trus biasanya ditusuk sama buah yang namanya sanca , rasanya asem asem gitu.

Biasanya di modifikasi sate nya sama buah strawberry , jeruk , melon , nanas.

Trus di celup di air gula , pas kering sate nya terlapis gula gitu.

Alma : kak bawain apapun yang bentuknya kero keropi, trus kalau bisa jangan beli baju soalnya biasanya bajunya all size , trus ukuran kita s jadi biasanya baju baju di sabotase sama ibu.. tapi kalau ada s juga gpp di beliiin

G : hahhahaha kamu ini ya....ngerampok apa minta oleh oleh

Alma : 2 2 nya.

Susan : cici , kapan berangkat? Aku kan ujian... gimana dongggggggggggg??

G : berangkat tgl 23 malem san, pesawatnya tuh jam 1 malem

Susan : wah... aku ujian mandarinnya tgl 23 ... asik...masih bisa les sabtu & minggu nya , aku titip kamus oxford english – mandarinnya ya c. Jangan lupa trus kamus elektronik nya juga

G : iya, ntar di bawain.

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Sep 18, 2008

minggu - minggu yang sibuk

minggu minggu ini sibuk banget.....
dikantor sibuk , ngajar juga sibuk soalnya minggu depan dah caooooooooooooooooooooo yippy...
tapi masih sempet ngajar selasa malem sampe jam 8 soalnya pesawatnya juga jam 1 malem. biasa.... irit hotel..hahahaha
musim ujian mid semester juga.. jadi ngajar mengajarnya cuma review doang.. atau ngerjain soal yang aku bikin...

semalem pergi ke botany square.. singkatannya boker... ih..jelek banget ye tuh singkatan.. tau tuh sapa yang nyebarin kata kata boker untuk botany square nya.
beli tripod... agak mahal seh dibandingin beli di beijing dulu.. tapi daripada nitip papa or ade g yang belanja ke jkt trus dibeliin tapi g ga suka ...ntar komplen lagi....

jadi inget tripod yang dulu.. kalo dia bisa ngomong.. pasti komplennya banyak banget kali ya...dari mulai foto foto narsis sampe foto foto ga jelas maksudnya apa...trus.. perna pake acara ketinggal trus kita balik lagi.. untung masih ada... tapi kata orang keberuntunga ga dateng 2 kali.. jadi deh..ketinggalan yang untuk kedua kalinya.. balik lagi dah ga ada..huaaaaaaaaaa hiks..hiks..hiks

trus abis beli tripod makan di solaria... gile...kita laper banget..biar cuma ber 2 sama ade g.. makannya kita banyak banget.. trus.. ludes..sampe ga tersisa.. dari yang tomat , timun , selada yang buat hiasan di piring juga di embat. kekekeke

aduh..masih blom beresin ransel .... hari sabtu / minggu harus mulai beres beres masukin ransel biar pun udah tulis barang barang n di tempel didinding tetep aja.. nanti pasti ada aja yang kurang.

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Sep 17, 2008


its a theme song for the one year countdown beijing olympic 2008

[al:奥运歌曲精选3: we are ready]













(霞 松)北京欢迎你
(霞 松)在太阳下分享呼吸








(玲 梓)岁月绽放青春笑容
(玲 梓)迎接这个日期

(芸 伍)画意诗情带笑意
(芸 伍)只为等待你

(坤 范)北京欢迎你
(坤 范)像音乐感动你
(游 欧)让我们都加油
(游 欧)去超越自己

(沙 满)北京欢迎你
(沙 满)有梦想谁都了不起
(金 何)有勇气就会有奇迹

(飞 庞)北京欢迎你
(飞 庞)为你开天辟地
(吴 峰)流动中的魅力
(吴 峰)充满着朝气

(5566 斌)北京欢迎你
(5566 斌)在太阳下分享呼吸
(怡 刀)在黄土地刷新成绩

(纪 屠 彤)北京欢迎你
(纪 屠 彤)像音乐感动你
(郭 刘 腾)让我们都加油
(郭 刘 腾)去超越自己

(莎 醒 嘉)北京欢迎你
(莎 醒 嘉)有梦想谁都了不起
(付 征 房)有勇气就会有奇迹




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Sep 15, 2008

Mid-Autumn Festival



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Sep 12, 2008

草山春晖- cao shan chun hui - ketika gladiol bersemi

Last night Mom request to find the original soundtrack from drama tittle Ketika Gladiol Bersemi / 草山春晖Cǎoshān Chūnhuī because she saw Indonesian version , and she said that version not really touched her . hihihihihi

She already saw the drama around 2004 or 2005 but when Da Ai TV rerun it again , she watched everyday without missing 1 episode, even if she already saw it at night she will saw it again in the next day.

And I found it on I really love this website. Most Chinese song I have, download from that website.

Here is the lyrics.

草山的风Cǎoshān de Fēng

OST Ketika Gladiol Bersemi / Cǎoshān Chūnhuī 草山春晖

níngwàng tiānyǔ de fánxīng diǎndiǎn
凝望 天宇 繁星 点点
děngdài lìng yī ge chénxī fúxiàn
等待 另一个 晨曦 浮现
nàshi wǒmen yōngyǒu de
那是 我们 拥有
xìngfú de huàmiàn
幸福 画面

duōshǎo suìyuè de róngyán gǎibiàn
多少 岁月 容颜 改变
duōshǎo jùsàn de gùshi chóngyǎn
多少 聚散 故事 重演
yōngbào wǒmen de
拥抱 我们

yīrán zài shēnbiān
依然 身边
cǎoshān de fēng
shì huá guò tiānjì de cǎihóng
是划 天际 彩虹
sā xià le yī piàn huāhǎi
撒下 一片 花海
zhànfàng zài xīnzhōng
绽放 心中
cǎoshān de fēng
bànsuí zhe wǒmen tián tián de nuǎn nuǎn de mèng
伴随 我们 甜甜 暖暖

huànxǐng le qīngcuì shānlín
唤醒 青翠 山林
jǐnjǐn shǒuhòu
紧紧 守候

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Sep 10, 2008

From another Blog

I'm food obsessed, I had to do it.

Feel free to grab it!

1. How do you like your eggs?
I love eggs sometime i mix it with rice or noodles or anything. i am egg love hahaha

2. How do you take your coffee/tea?
Tea - I like english tea ,plain.

3. Favorite breakfast food:
tea with mint , pancakes with marple syrup

4. What kind of dressing on your salad?
Bleu Cheese or a little V8

5. Coke or Pepsi?

6. You’re feeling lazy. What do you make?
instant noodle

7. You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?
smokebeef pizza

8. You feel like cooking. What do you make?
anything , i try to make new food or cake

9. What was your favorite food as a child?
I don't think I've ever had a favorite food my mom said eat everything LOL

10. Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like?
Peas, They're still not my favorite, but I'll eat them.

11. Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate?
cant remember

12. Favorite fruit and vegetable
Vegetable: lectuce.

13. Favorite junk food:

14. Do you have any weird food habits?
I will eat the delicious foods in the last

15. You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?

16. You’re off your diet. Now what would you like?

17. How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?
very spicy , It’s like a game. When we go out for Indian food or whatever, I always want the super hot. It makes my stomach hurt later, and when I eat it I’m sweating and my mouth goes numb, but I just LOVE it!

18. Can I get you a drink?
i love mohito

19. Red or White Wine?
red wine

20. Favorite dessert?
chocolate pudding

21. The perfect nightcap?

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Sep 8, 2008


hi Nancy

Aku tuh beredarnya sekitar bogor & cibinong .
maklum la.. masih kerja kantoran jadi ngajarnya juga setelah pulang kantor , weekend juga ngajar.

kalau mengajarnya lewat internet juga bisa , aku ada murid satu karyawan jadi kalau ngajar dia pake skype atau msn atau yahoo msn tergantung koneksi bagus yang mana .
karena karyawan ya ngajarnya malem mulai jam 9 an begitu atau kalau aku sama dia lagi ga bisa , jadwal lesnya bisa di ganti , jadi fleksibel saja.
trus bahannya aku kirim pakai mail

kalau private biasanya kerumah yang bersangkutan, dari tk sampe karyawan juga

group juga ada setiap hari minggu jam 3 -5 , tapi saat ini yang group baru di kelas 3 - 6 sd

nancy yang mau belajar ? ngobrol ngobrol saja ... gpp kok free of charge hehehehehehe
mail aku

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Sep 7, 2008

ga mood

hari ini lagi ga mood.
bangunnya juga telat , tapi karena hari ini mau ke bank jadi masuk kantornya rada telat.
trus parahnya lagi di bank itu teller nya belom dateng. padahal itu bank buka jam 8.
maklum lah pemerintah ........ arghhhhhhhhhhh
trus aneh nya lagi pas kasih ktp disuruh foto kopi, emang bank nya ga punya mesin fotokopi apa ? ga ada fasilitas gitu
datengnya aja teller nya jam 8.30 trus pake acara dandan dulu.
ya akhirnya dengan menghela nafas , maklum juga namanya juga bank pemerintah pasti fasilitasnya sedikit trus ngaret , tapi ada bagusnya juga seh kaya gitu ..... biaya administrasi yang di potong cuma 2500 perak hehehehe
capeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee masih ngantuk, untung ga gitu banyak kerjaan.
mudah mudahan mood nya ga sampe lama....
nonton kayamath ahhh di youtube
have a nice day

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happy birthday ya...
wish u all the best

I love you so much and I am so thankful you are my mom!
Have a great day!

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Sep 4, 2008

new private student

good Day...
seneng hari ini..dapet tambahan murid baru.
1 SMA namanya anggie. sekolahnya ya daerah sini la.. pulang kerja baru kasih les ke dia.
baru belajarnya minggu depan
wahhhhh harus siap siap bahan lagi neh... pokoknya mumpung anaknya baru belajar goresan awal sama nada di sekolah , jadi musti siapin bahannya lebih maju dari pada di sekolah punya biar nanti lebih ngerti , cepet nulisnya dengan urutan yang bener.

have a nice evening all

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Sep 3, 2008

Officially Missing You

Officially missing you rite now.

Missing you is terrible but at the same time aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh , but its sweet feeling.
Rushing to the phone once it rings because the ringtone belong to your number.hihihihihi

Logging on to the internet hoping to see you on line talking about everything , my dreams your dreams plans , future our friends

miss u


Sep 2, 2008

Apply Chinese Visa Via Travel Agency

I cant come to the visa office of the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta so last Saturday I came to travel agent for help me apply chinese visa process.

The regular processing time is 4 working days. Same day pickup requires express service and is charged for additional fee of RP 300,000. but if you apply via travel agent its cost RP 350.000

Usually the validity of a Single Entry “L” visa is 90 days from the date of issue. This means the holder of the visa shall enter China no later than 90 days from the date of issue, otherwise the visa is expired and is null and void. The duration of stay of a “L” visa is 30 days, which means the holder of the visa may stay in China for up to 30 days from the date of entry. The visa officer may extend the Duration of Stay if the applicant needs and requests a stay in China for more than 30 days.

Around 1 year ago its easy to get Chinese visa , we only need
1. Passport
2. Chinese visa application form
3. Passport photo 1

But now due new regulation for apply China Visa, The embassy also need :
1. Flight itinerary
Return ticket including return date , flight , and confirmed payment
2. Bank Statement , at least $2000 in our account.
3. Hotel Booking

If everything going smooth my visa is ready this week and I must go to travel agent again to collect my visa.

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